Insumify: Order Management Platform in Next.js

Pizza Cala

Restaurant manager Alex Nobis commissioned me to create an order management platform for the Cala pizzerias in Argentina and Chile.

The platform consists of a responsive dashboard that helps small business owners manage their providers and everyday inventory activity. Orders can be made to restaurant suppliers by email or Whatsapp and be print as PDF invoices. Custom products can be created with the latest prices and characteristics, and focused analytics are there to drive business insight. 

The site makes us of PostgreSQL SaaS Supabase as backend, including authentication and a user-base privilege system. The front-end was built in Next.js 14, with shadcn-ui as the UI system.

Insumify's goal is to gather experience as MVP in the hands of Pizza Cala's managing stuff and subsequently open up as a standalone service to other similar SME's.


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