Market visualization prototype
Customer review and consumer news platform ConsumerAffairs hired me to create a simple map visualization MVP as a proof of concept for future mapping solutions to enhance consumer advice pages. This one was about affordability in the home market, with different parameters visualized on the state and county level.
I used a light mapbox basemap, a Natural Break (Jenks) algorithm to classify counties into color groups, Next.js for the web app and API routes for auth and upload functionality.
The prototype provides the ability to upload a new set of market data via CSV, where storage uses a simple Redis database on Upstash.
The map uses Geojson and layer manipulation to create dynamic coloring, hover interactivity, top 10 pins, and info popups.
React tankstack table is used to provide a live sortable and filterable counties table that responds to map actions. Radix UI was used as UI library.